These are short blurbs from the news section of my old website. Not a lot of detail, but there are plenty of links! Some of these items might get a more in depth treatment as I build out this blog.
- December 16, 2020: I presented my work on bilingual acoustic voice variation from both Interspeech 2020 and ASA 179 for the UBC Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Lab. Check out my slides here.
- December 9, 2020: New preprint on OSF with Molly Babel and Christina Sen on Asymmetries in Perceptual Adjustments to Non-Canonical Pronunciations.
- November 16, 2020: I just joined the SPARK Society, and you should too because their mission is to empower cognitive scientists of color.
- November 11, 2020: I recently published a tutorial for implementing online experiments using jsPsych and S3 buckets on AWS. Check it out on the Open Science Framework! 🌼
- November 9, 2020: I’m presenting on The effect of passage length on acoustic voice variability in bilingual speech (12/9) and supporting my co-author Angelina Lloy with Bilingual talker identification with spontaneous speech in Cantonese and English: the role of language-specific knowledge (12/10) at ASA 179.
- October 29, 2020: Interspeech 2020 was a lot of waking up early 🌅 (Pacific Time!) and live-tweeting. The proceedings paper and YouTube-version-of-my-talk are available.
- May 15, 2020: Our paper SpiCE: A New open-access corpus of conversational bilingual speech in Cantonese and English was published in the LREC 2020 proceedings. The public release of the corpus is scheduled for (late) January 2021.
- March 27, 2020: I’ll be presenting a poster on Uniformity and crosslinguistic influence in Cantonese-English bilingual stops at ISBPAC3, whenever it gets rescheduled. 🗓
- March 23, 2020: New paper! Lexically-guided perceptual learning in Cantonese-English bilinguals was published in JASA Express Letters.
News older than this never made it on the website, so you’ll have to guess? Ask me? Extrapolate from my cv, or something.. 🙃